eden boljsih projektov ever made:)..prvic sem se ga udelezila v tobacni pred dvema letoma in od takrat ga spremljam skoraj vedno..
se v anglescini kjer je se bolj natancno razlozen:
p.s. ce vas zanima obiscite spletno stran:http://www.pecha-kucha.org/
Gre za koncept, ki sta ga leta 2003 zasnovala na japonskem živeča britanska arhitekta Astrid Klein in Mark Dytham ter predstavlja alternativo dolgim predstavitvam ter predavanjem. Ustvarjalci in ustvarjalke tako z 20 podobami, prikazanimi le za 20 sekund, predstavljajo svoje projekte, ideje, misli, frustracije in želje. Prikazane podobe so lahko statične ali gibljive, predstavitev posameznega avtorja in avtorice pa se mora seveda končati po šestih minutah in 20 sekundah.
se v anglescini kjer je se bolj natancno razlozen:
What is Pecha Kucha Night?
Pecha Kucha Night, devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, was conceived in 2003 as a place for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.
But as we all know, give a mike to a designer (especially an architect) and you’ll be trapped for hours. The key to Pecha Kucha Night is its patented system for avoiding this fate. Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each – giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives more people the chance to show.
Pecha Kucha (which is Japanese for the sound of conversation) has tapped into a demand for a forum in which creative work can be easily and informally shown, without having to rent a gallery or chat up a magazine editor. This is a† demand that seems to be global – as Pecha Kucha Night, without any pushing, has spread virally to over 100 cities across the world.
Pecha Kucha Night, devised by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, was conceived in 2003 as a place for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public.
But as we all know, give a mike to a designer (especially an architect) and you’ll be trapped for hours. The key to Pecha Kucha Night is its patented system for avoiding this fate. Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each – giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives more people the chance to show.
Pecha Kucha (which is Japanese for the sound of conversation) has tapped into a demand for a forum in which creative work can be easily and informally shown, without having to rent a gallery or chat up a magazine editor. This is a† demand that seems to be global – as Pecha Kucha Night, without any pushing, has spread virally to over 100 cities across the world.
p.s. ce vas zanima obiscite spletno stran:http://www.pecha-kucha.org/
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